= 20140929.1 = * Added new checks and updates from Frank Klein at Automattic. Thanks Frank! * Updated deprecated function listings * Customizer check: All add_settings must use sanitization callbacks, for security * Plugin territory checks: Themes must not register post types or taxonomies or add shortcodes for post content * Widgets: Calls to register_sidebar must be called from the widgets_init action hook * Title: tags must exist and not have anything in them other than a call to wp_title() * CDN: Checks for use of common CDNs (recommended only) * Note: Changed plugin and author URIs due to old URIs being invalid. These may change again in the future, the URIs to my own site are temporarily only. = 20131213.1 = * Corrected errors not being displayed by the plugin and it incorrectly giving a "pass" result to everything. = 20131212.1 = * Updated for 3.8 * Most files have changed for better I18N support, so the language files were removed temporarily until translation can be redone. = 20121211.1 = * Updated for 3.5 * Remove Paypal button. = 20110805.1 = * TimThumb checks removed. * Proper i18n loading. Fixes http://bit.ly/ouD5Ke. * Screenshot now previewed in results, with filesize and dimensions. = 20110602.2 = * New file list functions hidden folders now detectable. * Better fopen checks. * TimThumb version bump = 20110602.1 = * DOS/UNIX line ending style checks are now a requirement for proper theme uploading. * Timthumb version bump * Several fixes reported by GaryJ * 3.2 deprecated functions added = 20110412.1 = * Fix regex's * Added check for latest footer injection hack. * Fix tags check to use new content function correctly * Sync of all changes made for wporg uploader theme-check. * Updated checks post 3.1. added screenshot check to svn. * Fix links check to not return a false failure in some cases * rm one of the checks that causes problems on wporg uploader (and which is also unnecessary) * Move unneeded functions out of checkbase into main.php. * Minor formatting changes only (spacing and such) * Add check for wp_link_pages() + fix eval() check = 20110219.2 = * Merged new UI props Gua Bob [1](http://guabob.com/) * Last tested theme is always pre-selected in the themes list. * Fixed php error in admin_menu.php = 20110219.1 = * See [commit log](https://github.com/Pross/theme-check/commits/) for changes. = 20110201.2 = * UI bug fixes [forum post](http://bit.ly/ff7amN) props Mamaduka. * Textdomain checks for twentyten and no domain. * Fix div not closing props Mamaduka. = 20110201.1 = * i18n working * sr_RS de_DE ro_RO langs props Daniel Tara and Emil Uzelac. * Child theme support added, checks made against parent AND child at runtime. * Trac formatting button added for reviewers. = 20101228.3 = * Last revision for 3.1 (hopefully) * Chips suggestion of checking for inclusion of searchform.php ( not perfect yet, need more examples to look for ). * add_theme_page is required, all others flagged and displayed with line numbers. * <?= detected properly, short tags outputted with line umbers. * Mostly internationalized, needs translations now. * Bug fixes. = 20101228.2 = * Added menu checking. * ThemeURI AuthourURI added to results. * Lots of small fixes. * Started translation. = 20101228.1 = * Fix embed_defaults filter check and stylesheet file data check. = 20101226.1 = * Whole system redesign to allow easier synching with WordPress.org uploader. Many other additions/subtractions/changes as well. * WordPress 3.1 guidelines added, to help theme authors ensure compatibility for upcoming release. = 20101110.7 = * Re-added malware.php checks for fopen and file_get_contents (INFO) * fixed a couple of undefined index errors. = 20101110.4_r2 = * Fixed Warning: Wrong parameter count for stristr() = 20101110.4_r1 = * Added `echo` to suggested.php = 20101110.4 = * Fixed deprecated function call to get_plugins() = 20101110.3 = * Fixed undefined index. = 20101110.2 = * Missing `<` in main.php * Added conditional checks for licence.txt OR Licence tags in style.css * UI improvements. = 20101110.1 = * Date fix! = 10112010_r1 = * Fixed hardcoded links check. Added FAQ = 10112010 = * First release.